
Saturday, July 10, 2010

the dreamer

If I could dream
A dream of reality
Then I would dream a dream for You
Then the dream will guide Your path
There will be no more pain
The realities of the wars
The never ending wars plagued by religion

If I could dream
A dream from reality
Then I would dream peace for You
The dream will nourish Your souls
There will be no more hunger
The realities of the sufferings
The never ending wars plagued by greed

If I could dream
A dream about reality
Then I would dream a paradise for You
The dream will encourage Your hearts
The will be no more wars
The realities of the mortal beings
The never ending wars plagued by men

If I could dream
A dream against reality
Then I would dream death for You
The dream will set You free
There will be no more realities
The realities of the feelings
The never ending life plagued by wars


  1. "Then I would dream death for You
    The dream will set You free"
    ----> so typical of you.
    Great work u hav here.... :)

    My Version:
    I dreamt a dream for you
    A dream where I dreamt
    Of dreams about dreams
    Dreaming about dreams of you :)

  2. Susan Boyle -:

    I dreamed a dream in time gone by
    When hope was high and life worth living
    I dreamed that love would never die
    I dreamed that God would be forgiving .....min hriatchhuah tir. !

  3. @Bd... death is always the key to a gothic way of life... lololol @seki tyty.. im no one, but Bd is. ssssshhh lolz identity is kept secret :)

  4. I wish a final dream
    to dream these dreams away
    A dream to end this pain and hope
    dreams into dreams
    endless dreams for the better
    i wish only for a dreamless end

  5. Dream, but do not dream death for me! ok?
