
Friday, October 1, 2010


As the sun kisses the horizon,
The wind whistling across the ruined landscape
Is a whispered accompaniment to nature's reclamation of Man's works.
All My serenity, all My peace, all My inner tranquility disappears
As I reclaimed the familiar thoughts of the past I thought I'd put to rest.
The sudden arrival of these thoughts struck an ominous note.
I was scared and I knew that something was bearing down on me.
But I didn't know what... And even if I had known, I wouldn't have felt any better.
I couldn't sleep as my thoughts raced each other.
With the arrival of twilight, I came back to the world of reality,
Where mortality is rated.
You didn't sleep either...
Why is it that the noblest people are the ones most troubled by conscience?
Are you not the noble one?
I always thought you were hard hearted... And now I know why...
Because your heart is made of pure gold.
But I will not be betrayed by My human weakness.
It is beyond the range of My thinking
To comprehend the cause of My distress.
And so... must it end in pain and madness?
I have felt an unknown emotion stirring in My heart
For I will love you always...
"It is better to be free with nothing,
Than to be enslaved within luxury", they say.
And what if we were free within this luxury?
I'm not sure that is possible...
Not unless the luxury were shared...
Just like we share each other's love.


  1. I'd rather pick someone with a heart that is made of muscle and blood cells (NOI) fiamthu's.

    Tunlai hi i luangliam riau mai, hetiang hun hian thu pawh a kal tha duh fu tih alang reng mai ahems ;)

  2. luangliam vang pawh a ni lem lo, a lo lut ve thin a inspiration hi hehehehe

  3. va tawk nalh deuh ve!! a tawp dawn thu lai vel khi ka duh ltk.. XD

  4. Why is it that the noblest people are the ones most troubled by conscience? eh@

    I have felt an unknown emotion stirring in My heart
    For I will love you always...
    "It is better to be free with nothing,
    Than to be enslaved within luxury", they say.
    And what if we were free within this luxury?
    I'm not sure that is possible...
    Not unless the luxury were shared...
    Just like we share each other's love.

    so what do they or love???

    heichu va melancholic ve a

  5. Love is a luxury ! for you ? well dont worry you afford a luxury

  6. @Bodom... hehehe ty ty @zualbonez luxury is compared with love hehehe

  7. jennifer lo said...

    Love is a luxury ! for you ? well dont worry you afford a luxury

    As I have said.... luxury is compared with love... doesn't mean that love is a luxury or that luxury is love :)

  8. hmmm love the words... i thu hman ho khi ka duh topp... unique

  9. wow.... great piece dude^
    makes me miss a very dear fren of mine....
    Chn i luv the line "Why is it that the noblest people are the ones most troubled by conscience?" Great thought processs....

  10. Ka comment ziah a bo daih mawle! Anyway, its a good one!

  11. A va khrum ve aw, Pi biaki te lam chu a ni tawh rih lo maw.


  12. A ril raih mai valpuia da great chu

  13. nalh ltk... I'm filled with thoughts... thoughts i can't explain...

  14. Wow! ril tha hep2 khop mai... I like the way you think. I love this poem. Keep it up lol
